September 9, 2008

Birthday Weekend

Chad and I are both officially 27. We're starting to get old and it sux! We did have an awesome weekend celebrating. Another one of our good friends Jesse has his birthday a day before Chads so we went to dinner to celebrate everyones B-Day. We met at Fudruckers which isn't a place we usually go, but it was good and fun.
My mom and grandma also came up on Friday to spend the night with me. It's been awhile since I've seen either of them so that was a lot of fun. I officially went looking at baby cribs and things like that with them. We also went to eat at PF Changs and the Olive Garden and they left Chad and I with all sorts of left overs.
Chad and I decided that instead of buying presents for each other we would go stay the night in Park City. So Saturday afternoon we headed up there to shop and walk around. It was a lot of fun and there is nothing that I like to do more than hang out with my hubby!We went to a mexican restaurant up there called the Loco Lizard. I'd recommend it...This is us trying to take a picture of ourselves.
It was an awesome weekend and Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes!

This next pic isn't very exciting but I thought I'd put it up here anyways. This is me in between 19 and 20 weeks along. Keep in mind I did take this picture first thing in the morning. I swear as the day progresses and the more I eat it get's bigger. I did feel our little baby in my belly for the first time this weekend. I thought that was pretty cool.


Burke family said...

Yeah, belly pics. I love it! You look great! I definitely think baby bellies get bigger as the day goes on. It sounds like you had a great celebration. We are actually coming to games down there the next two weekends with my parents, so we should try to meet for lunch beforehand or something. Do you go to the games? I was planning to call you... the number I have is a 435# - have you changed it since then? Let me know so we can be sure to see you!

Jess Heather CK and Shay said...

I'm so glad you had a fun weekend :) Good thing you didn't end up going to Cafe Rio! And you look amazing for 20 weeks..I still can't even tell you're prego!

Grandma said...

Hey Happy Birthdays!! I love the baby bump picture too!! So cute!! So exciting! You make a very cute pregnant mommy!! You should know we HAVE to go to a few games in person - it just wouldn't be football season otherwise! Too fun!! Katie gets here tomorrow so we can try to make plans!!

Durf's said...

You guys look like you had a very fun weekend. That is so exciting you felt the baby move, that was my favorite part of being pregnant. It has been a long time since we have seen each other we should definitely get together this weekend.

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday. I love the baby bump, too cute. I also tagged you with 6 random things about you, but I was hoping you would do 6 random things about your pregnancy or things you've discovered from being pregnant. I'll be waiting.

Amanda said...

Elise you are tiny. You look great. Happy Birthday to you. The email address I have for you doesn't work. so I'll have to get your new one.

Natalie said...

Happy Birthday! You look great! I think it's kind of fun to track the growth. People actually find it rather interesting too. You will find them asking you for an updated one too. How crazy is it to feel the little one wiggle and kick inside you!! Just wait till she gets even bigger and stronger!! I am so excited for you both!! Looks like you had a fun time celebrating the birthdays. Park City is always a fun place to just relax. All the talk about football games and meeting for lunch or something is REALLY starting to make me jealous!!
Hope it works out for you guys-that will be fun.

Tara said...

Congratulations!! I bet you guys are excited. Kids are lots of fun (and a lot of work).

Shawna said...

Hi I know you dont know me but I went to high school with Chad and worked at the hospital with his mom. I just wanted to say that you are beautiful and that Chad looks way happy. Congrats on the new little one. And please say hi to Chad and his mom for me.

Shawna said...

Thanks for commenting back. I hope its ok with you to add you to my friends list. Ive had people do that without asking and I think its way weird.

Paul*Anne*Cohen*Addison said...

we are due 5 days apart and I am SOO much bigger than you! I wish we still lived in Utah so we could be prego together :) We dont know what we're having yet, but I'll let you know. If its a boy we can have our kids get married haha

Christin said...

Oh my goodness you are not even showing yet! Your cute as ever, sounds like your birthday was fun. Lets get together soon!

Mike & Cody said...

You are too cute. You don't even look pregnant. Happy Birthday and keep putting those pictures on so we can see how you are growing. Miss ya.

Lori said...

Happy Birthday Elise! i didn't know it was your birthday too! What a great idea...Park city and a great time of year to go. Your tummy um... I can't see it. But yes, I do agree that as the day goes on it gets bigger. Atleast mine did too. That is so exciting to feel the baby kick huh. Oh you are in for a real treat! I am not a pregnant lover (for myself) but it definitely has feeling the baby kick, the ultrasounds, and having your hubby ask you all kinds of questions :)

Holli said...

Hey Elise it been a longe time. Im so glad it seem every one has a blog these days. Happy late birhday and Congratulations on the baby how exciting. and its a girl that will be fun. :)Im looking forward to having kids some day. good to hear from you. You and your hub seem to be doing really good. talk to ya latter. Holli

mountainriverwellness said...

ummm.... ps... its time for a new side profile pic! how does it feel to still be breath takingly beautiful and in maternity clothes?!! whew hoo! remember how I am as cute as angelina jollie ...well ps. U R SO WAY CUTER!!!