January 12, 2010


We just bought ourselves bikes off of the KSL classifieds. We went on our first ride this Saturday. The Provo River Trail is so close to our house so we got on that and rode down to Utah Lake. We also bought the baby one of those trailers so we can pull her and the dog behind. Chad is goal orientated and has decided he's going to start training for a triathlon. I'll just be happy if I build some muscle.


Christin said...

Girl I would love to see you do a triathlon. Got to love that Chad!

Megan said...

oh man, i wish i could have sold you our mountain bikes. they are awesome bikes and are just collecting dust here in the city. I've been trying to sell mine for a year and of course no one wants a mountain bike here.

good for you guys. i loved biking in utah.

Jess Heather CK and Shay said...

i love it!! we want bikes so bad

Monica said...

You seriously make me laugh haha I think I would drown if I tried a triathlon. The swimming part just isn't for me.

Andy and Steph said...

Hey--- if you need a trainer at any given point let me know and I can hook you up with a trainer...she can tell you exactly what to do to achieve the best possible you in the shortest amount of time(calories included)...and so what if you want to harm her at some point...at least that's motivation that leads to movement :) Kidding :) Congrats on the bike and the baby break--- we may be following in your footsteps shortly-- at least with the bike thing. In fact-- see if Chad can sign us up for a quadathon...if not tell him he should invent them.

SFHS Class of 2000 said...

good for you guys!!! We got bikes when we were first married and i have a stroller too, the kids LOVE it!!! Too bad i'm a crappy biker. Someday i too will do a triathalon...but the swimming kind of scares me. I can't swim! So until i learn to swim i'll stick to a 10k and 1/2 marathon this summer! ;) Enjoy the training! Chad, my aunt has done a TON of triathalon's, she lives in salem, so if you ever need pointers she trains on the swimming and biking. If you need advice i'm sure she would be glad to help. Good luck and you should go for it too elise! ;)