December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

 Getting to open an early present from her great friend Reagan in Michigan
 Excited about some unopened play dough he found in his sisters room.
 Love this little boy and his tired little eyes.
 All the girls rocking our Christmas shirts

 So excited for her new rollerblades from Gran and Gramp Hatt

 The kids with their grandparents
 Bowling on Christmas Eve
 I'm getting good use out of my Christmas shirt
 The kids acted out the Nativity for us.
 Mother Mary took her role very seriously
 Christmas before the kids came down
 He was as excited about his train table as I thought he'd be.
She got everything she wanted and more!  


BerkleeMarie said...

aww charlee got the same red dress up! how cute!

Blake and Brandi Beck said...

Even her blueberry bush?? haha