May 24, 2008

Bachelor Glam Shots

My cute friend Rachel is going to try out for the Bachelor at the end of this month. Along with an extensive application, she is required to bring a "few" pictures of herself. I have never claimed to be a photographer but I've also never turned down an opportunity to participate in a photoshoot..right Heather and Aly? Rachel is so dang photogenic and always looks good in pics. I think we were both happy with how they turned out, and I'm crossing my fingers that she get's on the show!


Christin said...

I would love nothing more than to watch our little Rachel on the Batchelor!

aly said...

i hope rachel gets on the show too.. and with those pics that you took whats gonna stop them from picking her? you are a really good photographer elise! you've come so far from our photoshoots in the basement in logan.. haha good times!

Rachel K. said...

Thanks again Elise! It was a very fun day and I love the pictures...

Lisa said...

Elise, you did a great job on those pictures and the location is beautiful. They look professional! Good luck to your friend...hope she gets on the show.

Jen said...

Great photo's Elise!

Stacy and Mike said...

Hey, I ran into your blog today and thought I'd say hi, it's crazy how many people live so close and I don't even know it!! Great photography skills by the way...hope she makes it!

Jess Heather CK and Shay said...

OH let's not even get into those scandalous photo shoots! haha! you should seriously look into photography! You're so good! You should take some pics of Jess and I when he gets back..we want some when I'm a huge whale! haha

Kelly O'Roark said...

Elise I can't believe you made me wait to find this! You should have just told me. :-) I hope she gets it, but I hope the show does not start until I get home from UT. By the way... after a few days, I was able to figure this blog thing out. There won't be to much info yet.