September 4, 2010

The last year of our 20's has come!

My man turned 29 today which means I turn 29 on Monday. I can't believe how fast life just flies by. I'm grateful for Chad and am grateful that I have him in my life. Here are 29 random things about him.

29. He has to be in bed by 10:30 or else. Anyone that knows him knows how true this is.

28. To this day he still sleeps with his baby blanket.

27. We've had our dog for almost 4 years and he still hates that he's in our house but he still loves him and takes good care of him.

26. He can't stand for our grass to be long...I think he gets that from his dad.

25. He has run his own business for about 6 years now.

24. Chad will not eat fruit at all.

23. He served his mission in Paraguay and speaks Spanish when he has too.

22. He talks to his friends every single day.

21. Chad religiously goes to the gym 5 days a week...I know he gets this from his mom.

20. He is a morning person and I'm so jealous.

19. I think he is witty. Some (Joe & Brian) might not agree.

18. He's got a great body. I especially love his shoulders.

17. He is an avid hunter but I think he likes buying all of the hunting stuff more than the actual hunting.

16. He makes great scrambled eggs.

15. Loves to make poppy seed muffins on Sunday mornings.

14. He does all the laundry.

13. He is a fun daddy!

12. Chad has a great head of hair...He gets this from my dad ;)

11. I love that Chad will support me in anything I want to do.

10. He is very considerate.

9. You won't meet anyone that is more dedicated than Chad.

8. Chad hates to be late to church but does need to work on getting ready faster.

7. He loves his family very much.

6. His grandma always told him he'd marry a blond, even though he thought he liked brunettes.

5. Chad almost reenacted his 27th birthday today. Long, embarrasing story!

4. Chad is my perfect match.

3. He loves to play left field on his softball team.

2. He is FINALLY, after 7 long years a college graduate! With high honors I might add.

1. We love him more than anything!


SFHS Class of 2000 said...

that is a fun post!!! I am going to still your idea for brad's bday in dec. great job elise!

Monica said...

Happy birthday to both of you!

Christin said...

I had no idea about the baby blanket, that is amazing!

Lisa said...

Aw, that was a cute post! Happy Birthday Chad, and Elise soon, too!

Jess Heather CK and Shay said...

wow the things I never knew about Chad! I am so happy for you and him that you found each other..and you both don't even look near 30 yet!!

Burke family said...

He sounds like a great guy! And I'm so glad you found him. Now I just wish I could actually meet him and see you - it's been way too long!

Happy Birthday!

Kelly O'Roark said...

I loved almost every bit of this Elise! That is the sweetest gift ever! I have not experienced 15 or 16. And I am wondering about 10,9, 7, and 5. Anyways, he does have many people who love him! Miss you tons.



That's impressive he does all the laundry...It's hard to believe were in this stage of our life, but exciting at the same time. Happy Birthday to the both of you!