September 7, 2009

Camping 4 Labor Day

We went to Strawberry for Labor Day and to celebrate birthdays. Chad did a really good job of making my birthday special. He made sure I had my favorite cake and he went in with our parents to get me a new camera to replace the one I lost a few weeks ago. We also got to go on one of the first 4 wheelers rides this summer since we have had our baby. Lot's of fun! I love long weekends.


Burke family said...

It is always nice to just have time off and be together, huh? Glad you had a good birthday.

Kimberly said...

Leighton is a cutie, I can't believe how big she is... it seems like only yesterday that we were playing softball and you broke your ankle. Man, that was years ago:) Hey I need your address to send a wedding invite. I'd love to see you guys!

The Welsh's said...

Happy Birthday to you both again! It was so great to see ya'll the other night! She's a dang cute little girl!

Brittany Barnes said...

She gets cuter and cuter every day!