December 4, 2008

She's Home!!!

It's been a long 18 months but McCall is finally home! Chad is excited to have one of his sisters back in the United States. There was a good group of anxious family members awaiting her arrival from the Philippines.

She was glowing!She definitely had some happy/proud parents.


Christin said...

She does glow, and looks so cute!

Amanda said...

Thank you for posting those pictures I am going to link your post to my blog. it made me cry to see them. I wish I could have been there.

Chelsea said...

I bet you guys are excited! Tell her welcome home for me. Perfect timing too... now you guys will have a baby sitter!

Lori said...

She is so pretty! I haven't seen Mccall FOREVER! What a neat experience for her and your family. I agree... great timing, she will make a great babysitter :)

Monica said...

I'm glad you liked the cookies :) Gavin and I don't get into Christmas a whole lot either...the only reason we have a tree up is because my parents cut an extra one, and it's not decorated at all haha