I finally made it to one of Chad's city league games in Spanish Fork. It's tournament time over there. I think I must have been bad luck because they lost! At least it was a dramatic loss... There were 2 outs in the last inning and the game was tied. Due to some mistakes the other team ended up loading the bases and the next batter up hit a grand slam over the fence. Some of our friends from Springville were playing on another field and I ended up getting a cute pic of Chad, Mike D, and Jesse
I also got a cute pic of Mike D's wife Dianna. She is the cutest thing and always makes me look like a giant in pics next to her.
We also had a quick convo with Kelsie and Ryan. We were hoping to make it to the rodeo with them. It was sold out! So sad! I think this is the first year we haven't been able to go. We'll live I guess, and Kelsie we need to go do something else soon with you guys!
I love July because of the 4th and the 24th. I luckily have a husband that is so fun and always has to be doing something. We got a group of friends together and headed out to Utah Lake. I guess that is the other good thing about Chad, there is no sleeping in. We were there by 9 a.m. That is early for me on a Holiday but it was worth it! We spent about 4 hours out there wakeboarding but mostly as always shooting the breeze. It was little Shaylies first time out on a boat. She did really well as long as she didn't have to wear her life jacket. We had to keep a good eye out for the lake police because they were there in full force.
Don't worry mom I wore SPF 60 and got no new sun.
Our 1st group shot minus Chad because he couldn't get off the phone.
The final group shot with Chad on his phone. I'll take what I can get...
We were out walking Cooper last night once it cooled down enough. Just as we were about to turn off our street we could hear sirens coming from all over. Fire engines, cop cars, and ambulances came flying down 1200 West and to our surprise turned into our complex. So we came back to see what was going on. The story I heard was that someone from the freeway had thrown a firecracker into the storage units and it had caught fire. My picture doesn't do a very good job at capturing the action, but there was a lot going on for a good half hour. Luckily the action was far away from our storage unit. Our neighbor Jason is a firefighter so we had to call and give him a hard time for not being home to protect our stuff.
We hope everyone had a great 24th!
Thanks for the add! Where were you guys for the game! lol.. Hope you had a good holiday!
Looks like you guys had a blast. We didn't get out to the lake until 3 PM. That's what always happens when we go with Stephen's family. Ha!
I would be so upset if I had my stuff in that storage unit. People are so stupid sometimes!
Looks like you had some fun holidays. Just in case you didn't get an invite or Kay hasn't told you about it Christinas bridal shower is July 31 2008 from 7-9 at my house its an open house come when you can my address is 726 north 600 west in AF hope to see you there.
you guys are always doing fun stuff! when jess gets home we should go do fun stuff together! :)
You guys have the funnest "friends" life! Look at all your friends! Is that Jesse Perkins? I haven't seen him forever. One day, we need to have a big ol bash! I would love that! You guys do such fun stuff!
Sounds like you guys enjoyed the holiday weekend too! I didn't know about the storage shed fire! Guess it doesn't really matter cuz we only keep junk out there anyway haha
Yeah, that would be way fun. I am coming down in August and staying with Gigi, while Cam is off hunting. So no hubby, but I would still love to get to know Elise and see our friends.
I dont know about you guys but I think it is a little suspicious that you two happened to be walking by when the firemen showed up to investigate the scene. Is there something you want to tell us?
you said he got his elk somewhere by strawberry res.? Where exactly? What hunt unit? Did you have a special tag? Sorry all the questions, hubby trying to figure out where to hunt this year. He didn't draw this year but it just going to buy an open bull tag. Any good suggestions? He doesn't have a clue about northern, we always hunt southern region. Thanks. Let me know. you can email the info if you'd rather, so yu don't have to leave a novel post as I have. ;) bjdcwilson_711@msn.com
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