October 30, 2014

October 18, 2014

St. George

 Our new kitty traveled with us to St. George
 Grandma and grandpa took us to a new park they discovered.

 Trying to make sure we have lot's of pictures to document Gib being 1 years old.

October 12, 2014

Fairy Forest

 Since moving to Heber I've heard about the fairy forest a couple of times.  No one had actually been there but everyone thought it sounded fun and wanted to go.  Chads family came up today so we decided to just check it out.  I think it was the most perfect time of year to go because the changing leaves on the trees are the most beautiful thing on this earth.  The colors are so vibrant!!
 I knew that we should bring some painted rocks or something to leave in the forest so I had the kids use some markers and glitter on a few small rocks we found around our yard.  In reality we should have brought an entire art kit with streamers, spray paint. googly eyes or pretty much anything fun colorful and crafty.
Once we found mile marker 17 we pulled off the road and parked.  We had to cross over a river with our stroller and 5 small kids.  That was the hardest part.  Once we did that we walked a bit farther and all of a sudden the kids could tell we had made it.  There were small trails going all over the place with little creations left from all the visitors that had been there.  People are so creative and we had a great time exploring all of our different finds.

 We looked all around and picked a place we thought our rocks would like and that hopefully we can find if we ever go back up there again.
 Family pictures on our way out of the forest