October 31, 2012

Halloween thus far..

 Beck Family Party
 Ward Halloween Party
 Schoepke Halloween Party

October 21, 2012

Family Reunion

This weekend we had a great time at the Birch Family reunion.  Our family came down from Northern Utah and Candice arranged for us to go out 4 wheeling and repelling.  Leighton was crazy brave and was super excited to go down the mountain.  She was a little bit nervous right at first but then walked off backwards.  She was working the rope like a pro.  I got to go repelling for my first and second time as well.

October 16, 2012

Celebrating 7 Years of Marriage

We were trying to re enact my favorite picture from our Wedding day.  We look 7 years older but I think we got pretty close.
Life really is that much better when you're married to your best friend.  I love the life that we're building together and I love this man!!