April 30, 2008

Lunch with my Co-Workers

My newlywed co-worker/friend Sarah has a sweet husband that works as a waiter at the Olive Garden. He invited us down to have lunch on Tuesday and saved us a table so that we didn't have to wait. I was obsessed with the chicken fontina that they had there for awhile but it's off the menu for now which I think sux! It was pretty fun to take a break from our stressful day to stuff our faces.

April 29, 2008

Jazz Game

My work was nice enough to get a group of us Utah Jazz tickets. It was short notice so not everyone could switch their schedules around in order to attend. They gave me two extra tickets so we invited Joe and Heather to come along. Our seats were okay but the place was packed and we could even see Pres. Monson sitting down below. Go Jazz!

April 28, 2008

Our first 4-wheeling excursion of the year!

Chad has been dying to get out on his 4 wheeler. I think he's been trying to get me excited too, hence the new helmet and goggles he bought me. For once, he didn't have to work on Saturday so we got together with the Coles, Durfeys, Gunlocks, Todd Banks, and Adam Coley. We went somewhere up Spanish Fork Canyon and had a blast.